_Mr. Crowley_
Track 6 of _Blizzard of Ozz_, 1981, Ozzy Osbourne
Words and Music by Ozzy Osbourne, Bob Daisley, and Randy Rhoads
Mr.Crowley, what went on in your head
Mr.Crowley, did you talk with the dead
Your life style to me seemed so tragic with the trill of it all
You fooled all the people with magic
You waited on Satan's call
Mr.Charming, did you think you were pure
Mr.Alarming, in nocturnal rapport
uncovering things that were sacred manifest on this earth
Conceived in the eye of a secret
And they scattered the afterbirth
[Guitar solo #1 by Randy Rhoads]
Mr.Crowley, won't you ride my white horse
Mr.Crowley, it's symbolic of course
Approaching a time that is classic
I hear that maidens call
Approaching a time that is drastic
Standing with their backs to the wall
Was it polemically sent
I wanna know what you meant
I wanna know
I wanna know what you meant
[Guitar solo to the end by Randy]
同時也是第16屆Yamaha熱門音樂大賽的全國最佳主唱(of Formula)。
Ozzy, "I'd read several books about Aleister Crowley.
He was a very weird guy
and I always wanted to write a song about him.
While we were recording the "_Blizzard of Ozz_" album
there was a pack of tarot cards.
He had designed lying around the studio.
Well, one thing lead to another,
and the song "_Mr.Crowley_" was born."
(出現在_The Ozzman Cometh_(1997)的歌詞頁中)