_Goodbye to Romance_
Track 3 of _Blizzard of Ozz_, 1981, Ozzy Osbourne
Words and Musics by Ozzy Osbourne, Bob Daisley, and Randy Rhoads.
Yesterday has been and gone,
Tomorrow will I find the sun or will it rain.
Everybody's having fun, except me I'm the lonely one,
I live in shame.
I said goodbye to romance,
goodbye to friends,
after you,
goodbye to all the past,
I guess that we'll meet, we'll meet in the end.
I've been the King, I've been the clown,
the broken wings can't hold me down, I'm free again.
the jester with the broken crown,
it won't be me this time around to love in vain.
I said goodbye to romance,
goodbye to friends,
after you,
goodbye to all the past,
I guess that we'll meet, we'll meet in the end.
and I feel the time is right although
I know that you just might say to me
"what you goona do, what you gonna do",
but I have to take this chance
goodbye to friends and to romance,
and to all of you,
and to all of you.
come on now
[guitar solo by Randy Rhoads]
and the weather's looking fine
and I think the sun will shine again.
and I feel I've cleared my mind
all the past is left behind again.
[guitar solo to the end]
Ozzy Osbourne─要怎麼介紹喔?不知道。
他在英國主持的Osbourne Family這節目不知道還在不在。
早期組過一個叫“黑色安息日”Black Sabbath的金屬團,
後來組了Ozzy Osbourne。
Randy Rhoads─吉他手,也是個被稱為天才的人之一。
這首_Goodbye to Romance_算是他的經典代表作之一。
我跟Ozzy的關係不在話下,喜歡金屬樂就只是從一首_Mr. Crowley_開始。