林強(陳明章)的《幸福進行曲》,還有《Rent》裡的《I'll cover you》
很有趣的是,當我想到I'll cover you裡的歌詞,不自覺的會想起另一首歌──
《I'll cover you》Lyrics and music: Larson, Jonathan
Singers: Angel & Collins
Live in my house, I'll be your shelter.
Just pay me back with one thousand kisses
Be my lover and I'll cover you, yeah
Open your door, I'll be your tenant
Don't got much baggage, to lay at your feet
But sweet kisses, I've got to spare
I'll be there and I'll cover you
I think they meant it when they said you can't buy love
Now I know you can rent it 
A new lease you are my love one life, be my life
Just slip me on, I'll be your blanket 
Wherever whatever I'll be your coat 
You'll be my king and I'll be your castle
No~ you'll be my queen and I'll be your moat
I think they meant it when they said you can't buy love 
Now I know you can rent it 
A new lease you are my love one life, all my life
I've longed to discover something as true as this is
So with a thousand sweet kisses, I'll cover you
(If you're cold and you're lonely)
With a thousand sweet kisses, I'll cover you
(You've got one nickel only)
With a thousand sweet kisses, I'll cover you
(When you're worn out and tired)
With a thousand sweet kisses, I'll cover you
(When your heart has expired)
Oh lover, I'll cover you, yeah
Oh lover, I'll cover you
(525,600 minutes)
(525,000 seasons of love)
I'll cover you, oh.

我是你的海港 你是我的山崗
我能四處為家 你得癡心仰望
我是你的太陽 你是我的月亮
光輝由我創造 夜晚讓你分享
我是你的海港 你是我的山崗
聽聽這些謬論 令人血脈賁張
我曬我的太陽 你賞你的月亮
何必非要分出 尊卑強弱高下
我是你的主人 你是我的管家
大家認清本份 自然不會吵架
不許隨便頂嘴 叫你馬上回答
共享天倫之樂 國家富強安康
大家都是主人 夫妻都要管家
說話自有分寸 真愛不用勉強
我作我的學問 你喊你的口號
要享天倫之樂 先把EQ提高

    創作者 拼酷酥掰豆 的頭像

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